Sunday 5 April 2015

Hunting for a Fargo related tresure at the bytowne!

Hello fellow readers,

Today, at the ByTowne cinema, I saw a independent film called "Kumiko the Tresure Hunter". The story is surrounded by the urban legend that a Japanese woman attempted to go to Fargo, and tries to find the place that they buried the suit case in the film 'Fargo' and dies trying. That urban legend, is basically the whole film exception in real life, the Japanese woman went there to commit suicide. The film is well shot, and has a great Electronic/old Japanese music score to it. The actress, Rinko Kikuchi plays most likely the second best performance of her life (which the first is from a movie called Babel, which she got nominated for an academy award for) and the direction is right on point by David Zellner. This is more of a dark comedy, and I'm happy to say that it worked well as a dark comedy. The story may be a little predictable, and the story a little simple, but that does not stop for it to be a dark, funny, weird, art house film! Also, the poster marketing for this movie was AMAZING!

See you in my next post!

Trailer for Kumiko the Tresure Hunter

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